When was the last time you felt so bad and you weren’t able to control your emotions? You’ve said hurtful words and you’ve done unacceptable things.

Human emotions are one of the greatest gifts in life but sometimes it can also be the worst.

If you will only allow positive emotions to rule your life, you will definitely live a happy and grateful life. But what do you do with your negative emotions?

Negative emotions trigger negative outlook in life. The way you see, feel and talk to people is also affected whenever you don’t feel good.

What if I tell you, that if you are able to control your emotions, you will definitely change your life.

Here are some ways on how you can take control of your mood.

1.Make sure to have a proper diet. Living in a healthy body will definitely help you live in a healthy mind. What you feed your body also feeds your mind. So make sure to eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water.

2.Keep moving. Exercising daily is proven to help you manage your mental health because whenever you exercise, your body releases endorphins which are responsible for your happy hormones.

3.Get enough sleep. If you manage to get enough sleep daily, you allow your body and mind to recover and repair itself. It’s critical to memory, brain function, hormone regulation and more.

4.Get enough amount of Sunlight daily. Just like exercising, getting enough sunlight is very important in your health. It is proven that sunlight decreases depression by helping release serotonin in your body. This happiness chemical increases feelings of well-being.

5.Manage your stress. Our brain produces negative chemicals when we are stressed. Too much stress causes lack of focus, depression, and anxiety. These negative feelings will definitely impact everyone around you too.

How do you change your mood so you can change your life?

1.Reassess your limiting beliefs. Most often, people think that they deserve the unhappiness they feel. They tend to focus on the negative things in their lives thus attracting more negativity to happen.

2.Practice self motivation. Talking to yourself can definitely help you reassess your feelings and thoughts. Push yourself to always be grateful for what you already have and keep the motivation in achieving the things you want in your life.

3.Practice Self Care. If you have proper self care, you’ll start feeling good about yourself. And when you start feeling good about yourself, you’ll be happy to be of service to so many people around you. Always remember that you can only give what you have.

4.Keep smiling everyday. Smiling sends a positive signal to your brain that you are happy. It’s the same with taking care of your posture. If you are not in the mood, watch a funny video, look at old pictures or put on your favorite song. There’s always something that will bring a smile to your face. Eventually you’ll be able to master how to improve your mood and mindset.

5.Move your body everyday. Emotion is created by motion, in other words, your emotions are linked to your bodies. Make it a habit to move everyday, you can take a walk in your backyard, dance to the tune of your favorite music, meditate and/or exercise.

6.Establish a routine. You must create your empowering rituals every morning before you start your day. Set 3 non negotiables that you are willing to commit to on a daily basis to kick start your mood.

7.Practice having an abundant mindset. Having an abundant mindset is being open to all life possibilities so you can live the life that you truly want. It doesn’t mean perfection but a life where you accept yourself, you take responsibility for your lifestyle, feelings and actions. If you do these, you will experience true freedom.

When you understand that freedom is a state of mind and that the secret to achieving it is adopting an abundance mindset, you can change your mood and change your life.

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